Octopus Point Diving
Adventure lovers who know nothing about diving but look forward to experience it may find the Octopus Point Diving site the best place to go. In these shallow waters, several marine life is observable, and the safety of your diving is guaranteed to a considerable measure.

Saanich Inlet Diving
Whether you decide to go diving, you can head to Saanich Inlet and plunge in the waters whenever you desire. However, if you visit this inlet, you may choose to dive from a floating boat. The diverse underwater life you are given a chance to observe is another merit of diving in Saanich Inlet.

Race Rocks Diving
A fantastic offering for those who would like to dive and learn about the history of marine activities of Vancouver Island is lying on the grounds of Race Rock Lighthouse. The existence of this lighthouse adds up to the exceptionality of this diving adventure. However, you have to look out for the whales living there.

Ten Mile Point Diving
Even your imagination cannot give a preview of how beautiful Ten Mile Point Diving is. So, if you want to guarantee the immortality of your memories in this spectacular diving zone, do not forget o bring your cameras. The living species under these cold high-wave waters add up to the attractiveness of the diving adventure there.

Ogden Point Diving
Change your life from ordinary to extraordinary, and experience diving in an ideal place. Ogden Point Diving zone has excellent diving opportunities for every skill level, and it is a fantastic place for wildlife admirers to come. Also, to capture every moment you spend in this splendid place, bring your cameras.

Wreck of the SS Themis Diving
No one can imagine a sank ship's wrecks can make an ideal place to dive deep in the water. Wreck of the SS Themis Diving is a habitat for a small diversity of marine creatures, and it is a beautiful background view for your pictures.

Browning Pass Diving
Make your diving experience memorable by going to the Browning Pass Diving zone. Browning Pass cold waters provide you with ample and undeniable opportunities to dive deep and observe the spectacular life under the surface. Comprising a rare beautiful nature, you can take images with an imaginary background.

Norris Rocks Diving
Diving in Norris Rocks is two birds with one stone. You have the chance for an exciting deep-diving and also observing the unbelievable underwater wildlife inhabiting the area. After jumping into the water, go deep to gaze upon giant octopuses and deep-water locations.

Flora Islet Diving
If you are wandering around Hornby Island and thinking about a way to multiply the adventure of your day, do not hesitate and head to Flora Islet. On the other hand, no boats? Don't worry! This excellent diving zone is accessible by ferry. Enthusiasts who come to the site on summer days have the chance to see six-gill sharks.

China Creek Diving
According to your level of proficiency or your preference, the depths for diving vary from shallow to deep in China Creek. Comprising a wall dive with an incredible view of Port Alberni and amazing marine creatures underneath the water surface multiplies the beauty of this diving experience.

Yeo Islands Diving
Spend the gladdest moments of your life in Yeo Islands while diving into the waters. Also, you will have the chance to enjoy watching artificial cliffs that have embellished the area's view. Besides, the excellent adventure o diving visitors can benefit from other outdoor excitements and watching various marine life.

Wall Beach Diving
Don't just listen to people talking about Wall Beach. Come and see how beautiful this sea lion habitat is. Incredible diving opportunities are provided for both armature and professional divers. The chance to see several diverse marine life there is Wall Beach adds up to the reasons why one should come to this spectacular beach.

The Jib Diving
If you happen to wander around Nanoose Bay, The Jib Diving site is one of the most attractive diving destinations in the region, with a clean environment and easy access. Moreover, except for the beautiful view of the site, you can enjoy watching a diversity of marine life.

Tyee Cove Diving
Just a short distance from downtown Nanaimo, you will find fantastic diving opportunities available all year round in Tyee Cove. You can choose the depth you are willing to dive in based on your proficiency level; plus, you are given a chance to explore the marine life inhabiting this diving zone.

Oak Leaf Diving
Try to lead a life full of endless adventures, and to do so, you can consider Oak Leaf Diving as a means to that end. For those enthusiastic divers who want to explore a new and cozy location, the Oak Leaf Diving zone might be a suitable option to visit, with a magnificent environment and easy access.

Madrona Point Diving
Being a famous diving zone. Madrona Point provides divers from all skill levels with undeniable diving opportunities within a short distance from Nanaimo. It includes three walls: Small, Mid, and Maze walls, of which an amazing marine life is observable near the Small wall and deep-diving near the Maze wall.

Dolphin Beach Diving
Nanaimo is saturated with diving zones, but to name a decent one, Dolphin Beach is a location that allows everyone to explore marine life and enjoy diving. Both armature and advanced divers can have the chance to dive in these waters along with a glorious environment enclosing the zone, which would fascinate your eyes.

Cottam Point Diving
Assign one page of your adventure book to the experience you would gain in the Cottam Point diving zone. Going north of Nanaimo, this fantastic diving location is famous for its mighty tides and incredible marine life. Therefore, you can enjoy both diving and exploring underwater life.

Rivtow Lion Diving
If you are making a checklist of diving places on Vancouver Island, make sure it includes the Rivtow Lion Diving zone. Rivtow Lion was a ship that was sunk on purpose, and through the years, it has changed into an artificial cliff and a favourable destination for diving. Photography enthusiasts can find the inner sceneries of the ship charming to be a subject for their cameras.

Orlebar Point Diving
As another diving destination around Nanaimo, the Orlebar Point Diving zone is a bit significant, for its accessible by ferries from Nanaimo. These crystal-clear waters may contain enormous waves, which require safety measures for the visitors. However, the environmental features of this diving site bring the chance to explore nature and various living creators.

Keel Cove Diving
Looking for a way to add a challenge to your adventure? Visit the Keel Cove Diving site. It is a shore diving destination with high chances of observing marine mammals. But, there, you would find a steep trail leading to the beach, which has made visiting there a little challenging.

HMCS Cape Breton Diving
If you are collecting a diary of diving experiences, it would be amazing to add your diving experience to HMCS Cape Breton. Wrecks of a sunk ship which has made the area a phenomenal diving location decorated with artificial reefs. The zone offers a spectacular site and undeniable diving opportunities, and it is accessible by boat. Not to mention the diverse sea life you would face there.

Gabriola Passage Diving
Hope to have a great adventure and do not fear new experiences. One of the best diving spots near Nanaimo downtown, accessible by both beach and ferries, offers a fantastic diving opportunity not to be forgotten easily. The mighty currents with great drifting experience increase the amazement of diving.

Dodd Narrows Diving
You won't remember when you worked, but you'll remember the time you had an adventure. So, if you are on Mudge Island, rent a boat and go to the Dodd Narrows. This fantastic diving zone offers an exciting diving opportunity and a diversity of marine life. Also, nature admirers would be astonished by the cute colourful nature there.

Clark Rock Diving
Satisfy your curiosity about diving in Clark Rock waters. The reefs there are brighten by a beacon which has made the location favourable for diving. It is worth mentioning that Clark Rock is a fantastic place to take pictures for your journey's album. Also, you may have the chance to observe wildlife, whether in waters or on land.

Breakwater Island Diving
Make immortal memories of diving in the Breakwater Island Diving zone. This famous diving location has a lot to offer. Whether on land or in water, a variety of creatures inhabit the area you cannot get enough and fantastic scenery which can multiply the amazement of your stay in this region.

Camping in Newcastle Island Marine Provincial Park Campground
Nothing can feed your spirit like a clean, relaxing vacation. To do so, you have fantastic chances to camp in Newcastle Island Marine Provincial Park Campground and let your lungs to be flourished by the fresh air you let in. These oceanside campgrounds have a lot to offer: ample amenities, various wildlife and astonishing scenery. Camping at this campsite is something that happens once in a lifetime.

Camping in Little Qualicum Falls Campground
The resemblance of Little Qualicum Falls Campground to paradise is something uncanny. One of the most beautiful parks with a spectacular Vancouver Island environment has a lot to offer campers worldwide. Great campsites enclosed by stunning scenery comprising ample facilities for the visitors. Not to mention that there is saturated with opportunities for adventure that no one can ignore.

Camping in Pachena Bay Campground
Make the best of your journey on Vancouver Island by camping in one of the possibly best campgrounds on the southwest of Vancouver Island. Pachena Bay Campground offers a quiet private campsite for those who want to get away from the bustle in towns. Not to mention the beautiful, clean, and sandy beach in which you are provided with every possible fun opportunity.

Camping in Elk Falls Provincial Park Campground
Right in between old-growth forests, Elk Falls Provincial Park Campground is best known for its fishery. After you camped and had your relaxing moments, you can take a long walk through the coastline while enjoying the scenery of a beautiful fall that can make your walk more delightful. Also, other recreational activities may make your stay more enjoyable.