
Vancouver Island Waterfalls

Vancouver Island is home to the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. The variety of waterfalls on the island is truly magnificent. There are all sorts of waterfalls, like cave waterfalls, beach waterfalls, mountain waterfalls, river waterfalls, and pond waterfalls. They all have unique beauties, and Vancouver Island seems to have almost all of them. Waterfalls are somewhat a natural signature of Vancouver Island, with incredible wildlife that would be unfortunate to miss. One of the benefits of visiting a waterfall is the relaxing vibe that floats into your body as the water falling from that height, and this is when you need to see sunlight get caught in waterdrops through the stunning rainbow. Most Vancouver Island waterfalls are convenient enough for a family adventure, and some have facilities nearby that make the trip more comforting.
For falls located in the wilderness, you would have longer adventures. In such cases, you need planning, being equipped with hiking tools, and being well prepared for high levels of activities. Despite the differences in difficulty levels, each of these waterfalls can display stunning beauties that are worth visiting. Since winter rains make the waterfalls roaring, it is recommended to visit the waterfalls in winter or spring for the best view of flowing.


The Highest Waterfall on Vancouver Island

Della Falls is the tallest waterfall in Canada. It has three drops and a total height of 440 m (1443.5 ft), making it the world's sixteenth highest waterfall. Della Falls is also the largest waterfall by volume on Vancouver Island, and it's a mountain waterfall. This waterfall has an exceptional view from afar; when you see the whole falls streaming like a white snake crawling down the mountain, it is truly a sight fit for postcards.

Vanislander / Landmarks / Waterfalls

Sitting Lady Falls

Sitting Lady Falls or Witty's Lagoon Falls with a wonderful forest around, and the moss-covered rocks is a magical place, something out of a fairy tale but near Victoria. The waterfall with 100 m (328 ft) height is divided into two parts, like a fork, making a unique shape worth visiting. The good thing about Sitting Lady Falls is the variety of birds living in the area.


Sarita Falls

Sarita Falls is one of the pieces of music repeatedly playing by the earth. This beautiful set of falls is placed along the Sarita River in a rainforest space with fresh air, making a stunning atmosphere. There is a sign for the place, a white tree trunk that has fallen on the river, which can complete the picture. The area is also rich in wildlife, so get the most out of your visit.


Nymph Falls

The Puntledge River cuts its way through the rocks, and it falls where the stunning drops of Nymph Falls appear. It is the crown jewel of Nymph Falls Nature Park, with two drops in the middle of the wood, the wonderful lush green forest. Just drive about 10 km (6.2 mi) from Courtenay to the west to discover the beauties.


Deer Falls

A great place to heal and recharge on the Campbell River is Deer Falls, a little piece of heaven. Imagine the water descends into an emerald green pool with the sweetest melody that you could hear and the tall trees surrounding the falls. In summer and late spring, the rocks around the pool become moss-covered and create a fabulous view. Watching bears there in summertime eating salmon is fantastic, but don't limit your expectations; the area has a lot to offer as scenery.


Skutz Falls

Made from the blue snake of the Cowichan River, Skutz Falls is a little waterfall at Cowichan River Provincial Park about bout 6 m (20 ft) in height. Stand at the falls' viewpoint to have a scene of the human-made fish ladder where the river's fast current splashes water on your face. Camping nearby and using the services would complete your journey for having more hours of adventure in the area.


Beach Estates Falls

Nanaimo is one of the most visited cities on Vancouver Island, and finding a peaceful and quiet place can be considered a gift. Stepping into Beach Estates Park and visiting Beach Estates Falls is like being in another world. It is not a heavy waterfall, but watching the water runs down and listening to its melody causes anyone to relax. Take your camera with you, hike at the park and capture the beauties of the waterfall and stunning trees and plants.


Stocking Creek Waterfall

Choose Stocking Creek Trail in Ladysmith as your destination and start finding Stocking Creek Waterfall. It is one of the natural attractions of Vancouver Island that looks wonderfully beautiful. Imagine the refreshing water cascading on a little pool between a forest which is aesthetically impressive. But if you want to see the waterfall at its prim, spring and fall are the best seasons.


Stotan Falls

It is a grace finding a waterfall along a river. The Puntledge River makes Stotan Falls a beautiful pond waterfall with a wide area. The waterfall sound melodious by the water pouring smoothly on the large rocks on its way that you can enjoy for hours. Swimming in summer would be delightful while you are in hot water where the green forest surrounds you.


Granny Falls

There is always an adventure in the woods. Pass the wooden bridge toward the Nanaimo Parkway and go deep in the lush forest. The flow of Chase River, get you to the Granny Falls, the cherry on top of Colliery Dam Park, which runs freely into the pool under it. The beautiful trees and smoothly running river make Granny Falls a family-friendly place.


Mystic Beach Waterfall

Victoria has a lot to say when it comes to attractions, and among them is Mystic Beach Waterfall. This stunning waterfall is placed right in front of the sea, water cascading gorgeously from a high rock cliff on the sandy beach. If you want to make the most valuable use of your time and sunset is your favourite colour, stay long enough to watch the sunset by the waterfall.


Lupin Falls

Words cannot describe Lupin Falls because this waterfall's beauty is beyond the world of vocabulary. The water pours gracefully on rocks and carving its way into the hard rock cliff. A forest surrounds the two drops of Lupin Falls and adds to its wonders. Visiting Lupin Falls is a big bonus as it is placed in Strathcona Provincial Park with a lot to offer.


Millstone River Falls

Millstone River Falls is not a tall waterfall, but its beauty can rival any waterfall on Vancouver Island. Located in Bowen Park, two drops of Millstone River Falls make a soft melody by running smoothly down the river. Bowen Park Loop is a hiking trail that leads you to the waterfall, which is easy even for children. So you can enjoy this natural attraction with your family.

Beach Waterfalls on Vancouver Island

Some beaches on Vancouver Island reward you with more than refreshing weather and sunny sky; they also have waterfalls that take your breath away. Watching sunset by a beach waterfall could be the highlight of your journey, and for that, you could visit Mystic Beach, Sandcut Beach, Beach Estates Park, Sombrio Beach, and Witty's Lagoon.

Cave Waterfalls on Vancouver Island

The only waterfall on Vancouver Island, which gets the advantage of having a mysterious cave nearby, is called the Hidden Falls or Sombrio Beach Falls. This stunning waterfall is located on Sombrio Beach, discoverable by a secret passage that leads into a cave. The hike to Hidden Falls is through a canyon. The most exciting thing about this waterfall is that even some locals don't know about its secret existence.

River Waterfalls on Vancouver Island

Most of the waterfalls on Vancouver Island are led into rivers, and since there are plenty of them, you can see at least one or two in most of the parks; some parks are even named after the falls inside. The good thing is that there are friendly services provided for the visitors inside these parks to have a very comfortable visit. River waterfalls are normally found in forest spaces like Elk Falls Provincial Park and protected areas such as Brown's River Falls, Trent River Falls, Englishman River Falls Provincial Park. These are only a few examples of river falls on Vancouver Island.

Parks with Waterfall on Vancouver Island

Interestingly, most of the parks on Vancouver Island have a waterfall within. Some of the parks have it as a hidden gem to surprise the visitors. In others, though, they appear so distinctly as the river falls mentioned above. Gold Stream Provincial Park has some of the most decent and transparent waterfalls, including Goldstream River Falls and Niagara Falls. Please don't mistake Vancouver Island Niagara Fall with the one that is the biggest waterfall in the world. Parks on Vancouver Island are wonderfully beautiful and have so many animals, old trees, and marine life, so there is more than one reason to visit a park on Vancouver Island.

Mountain Waterfalls on Vancouver Island

One fascinating thing about Vancouver Island waterfalls is the natural combination of waterfall and mountain; it's very smooth and impressive. Many waterfalls on Vancouver Island have relations with canyons and large boulders like Hole in the Wall Falls, Christie Falls, No Name Falls, and these are only a few examples of scenic rock waterfalls. Vancouver Island mountains with waterfalls usually have amazing trails with climbing opportunities. Mountains provide excellent opportunities for camping, and a waterfall close by is just a bonus.

Lake Waterfalls on Vancouver Island

Since Vancouver Island is a natural attractions heaven, not only for picturesque waterfalls, you may find yourself short in time seeing all its beauty. Considering that, the best option for you is to start from lakes where there are so many fun things to do, and indeed a neighbour for a few lovely waterfalls. Lakes like Buttle Lake or Comox Lake charm you with breathtaking waterfalls like Myra Falls and Lupin Falls, moreover exhilarating activities like kayaking or canoeing.

Things to do around Vancouver Island Waterfalls

Suppose you're wondering about what to do after visiting a waterfall. In that case, you would be surprised by the things to do available; getting smooth shots from waterfalls is a popular activity among visitors and tourists. If you happen to be interested in more adventure, almost all Vancouver Island waterfalls have a scenic hiking trail or, even better, having ponds underneath or close to them; some even benefit from several ponds nearby. Take a dunk in a pond, and get the most of your visit.
Whether you have a camping experience or not, you will enjoy all the advantages of the camping grounds near the waterfalls. The majority of the falls have excellent camping grounds around them. Some happen to be on rewarding rivers or very close to marine-life-rich lakes. However, the state of BC requires a special license for fishing.

Things to Remember while Visiting Vancouver Island Waterfalls

  •  Do not throw garbage at the water stream.
  •  Pack everything and leave no trace.
  •  Check with authorities for the best time for fishing.
  •  Follow COVID-19 protocols.
  •  Do not disturb the wildlife. Check for the fire rules of the area before lighting a fire.
  •  Bring a camera or a smartphone to take stunning photos.

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